Day 55: High Gear

Day 55: “High Gear”

For the past few days, I have been working, inputting value, and gathering information in high gear.

In between studying supply chain management and UX design, I have read over 40 articles with averages of 6-8 minutes reading time. I have contacted suppliers for quotes on prices and quantities in a broad range of industries, from bicycle tires to Cannabidiol Isolate to smartphone accessories.

Not all my work is being done in front of the computer though.

Yesterday, on my way to usual cafe, I stopped, looked up at the cloudy but sunny sky, and decided that I would spend the afternoon exploring the city I’m currently living in instead of looking at my laptop screen for the whole day (which is actually what today is for).

I explored a whole new section of Shenzhen yesterday, but found it to be pretty underwhelming. Nonetheless, I managed to gain an idea of the layout of a new area, which can be helpful in the future.

In the late afternoon, I met up with a friend to head to his apartment and learn how to brew craft beer. The process of grinding grain, boiling wort, adding hops, and setting up the fermentation phase is what I spent 5 hours last night learning.

The past three days have been more productive than some three-week experiences in college.


“High Gear” is different than “Flow State,” however. I am grinding out articles, taking notes, reading, and learning in general at a very fast pace. But, I haven’t been applying much of my knowledge to the real world yet (besides the beer brewing, of course).

I came across a sentence I wrote in my notebook a few months ago, and it said:

Having knowledge in your head, knowledge that hasn’t been applied yet, is not evidence of that knowledge.

This sentence is meant to motivate myself to continue learning, but also to test out what I learn. For example, I can learn all the guidelines and shortcuts to UX Design, but it’s only by actually creating graphic designs that I’ll slowly be able build up a portfolio and reputation as a designer. I can read about all the steps necessary to create an import/export business, but I won’t be able to actually sell anything if I don’t physically invest in some products and contact buyers. Show, don’t tell.

At the moment, the only time I feel like I create value is when I’m writing and when I share the information I gather with friends who I know will find it valuable. Any resource I find regarding graphic design, I send to Jonah. Any blogs detailing the state of computer programming, I send to Zac. Any articles that make me stop and reconsider my perspectives, I send to Angela.

I’m working in high gear right now. The next step is to enter the Flow State and start to create value.

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