Day 57: Short Film

Day 57: “Short Film”

This short film idea has been sitting unfinished in my iPhone notes for almost a year now. Today I brought it back out and finished the first draft.


Animated film. Silent film (no dialogue). Roughly 10-15 minutes long.

Prairie environment, late 1800s dress (think Tom Sawyer, rolled-up trousers, messy white shirts, and straw hats)

— Act 1 —

Black screen; sound of train horn fades in, getting louder, reaching climax

Flashes open to the first shot; train wheels leaving the station, picking up speed

Train passing by on a hill overlooking a small town, enter right, exit left

Shot one-point view, down a dirt street (bump), houses flanking street, hill in the background, train flashing past

Shot of train wheels

Shot of feet running (sound of panting and physical exertion) — running to catch the railroad train

Shot of extended arm. Two attempts at grabbing the rails, climbing up, sliding open the heavy train car door

Character falling into train car, relieved and exhausted, back against the wall of the train car

Character looks up, 7-8 people looking at him from across the car, some interrupted in the middle of a card game, some sitting on hay stacks, looking surprised and impressed

Character still panting, smiles tiredly, raises hand in greeting

Shot of another character (Support Character #1) jumping down from haystack, walking towards main character

Shot of Character on floor, hands extends from left of camera to help him up

Scene cut

*** interesting idea: as the Character spends more time on the train, the size of the inside car space shrinks with each changing scene

— Act 2 —

Context: some time has passed, all characters in single train car have become fast friends

Scene flip-thru of group activities:

  • Playing cards by lamp light
  • Sitting on hay stacks and drinking rum
  • Napping on top of hay stacks
  • Climbing up and relaxing on top of the train car, lying down and watching the stars
  • Sitting with feet dangling out of door, watching and pointing to the sights

Overhead drone shot: train crosses a valley bridge, river beneath

Scene opens, night time, friends playing cards by lantern light. Character and Support Character #1 chatting with feet dangling outside door.

POV-shot from open door: bridge rails flashing past (sound), a mountain appears in the distance

Support Character #1 calls friends over to see it, amazed by it, but friends ultimately turn back into the car along with SC #1; Character left alone, back against the train, head turned to look out train door

Close up of main character’s face, eyes showing longing to be on the mountain, stays seated and watches the mountain as his friends play

Scene cut

— Act 3 —

Quick flip-thru of times of day

  • Day: friends are napping or smoking, character is leaning against the wall, looking out the door towards the mountain
  • Night: all of them singing and dancing, main character stumbles happily tipsy to the door, slightly sobers up once he sees the mountain; looks back to his friends playing, sadness reflected in face; sadness replaced by determination, looks back outside; close-up shot of his eyes reflecting the moonlight and mountain peak

Next morning, close shot of rucksack being packed; Character says good-bye to friends, not hugging but emotional

Shot of rucksack picked up from floor; Friends help widen the door; Character walks to the edge, turns around

Support Character #1 walks up to hug one last time, tears (sad, but happy), backs off, smiles sadly

Shot from outside, behind train: Character jumps out

or Shot from inside train, behind character: Character jumps out

Choppy shots: rolling through the dirt

Close-up shot of different friends’ faces: some wincing, some covering eyes, some chuckling

Empty shot showing train passing by on the left: Character stands up into frame, train passes by, Character waves goodbye, friends wave back, some friends have climbed on top of the train, running backwards to say last goodbye

Side shot of left side of train, Character hidden on the other side

Train passes, exits left, revealing Character, standing, looking at train


Quick close-up shot of Character’s top half, wind from train’s movement blows Character’s hair

Front shot of Character: looking at train, then turning right to face the mountain

Shot from behind Character: facing the mountain, Character bends down, slightly out of camera frame, frame doesn’t change, picks up rucksack, stands up, throws rucksack over shoulder, starts to walk

Zoomed out drone shot, behind Character: Character walking towards mountain

Credits roll, bottom to top



 This first draft can definitely be improved to be more coherent and clear to the readers. The next step would be to sketch storyboards and character designs — definitely excited for that part of the process.



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