Day 117: Not My Energy

Day 117: “Not My Energy”

I live in a thirty person house now.

Today I was asked the question, “What do you love most about this house?”

It’s not really possible to pin down the answer with just one word. I love my bed, I love my sense of community, I love the people, I love the breakfast gatherings — a lot.

I guess what makes this house different than all the other housing arrangements I’ve been a part of in my past year of traveling and moving from one community to another is — here, I don’t waste my energy on myself.

Remember the energy you feel when your blood is pumping because you’re on your feet — moving from one task to the next — in order to help someone?

Now, remember the energy you feel when you’re trying to help yourself — the “This week, I need to do better…” or, “Tomorrow, I promise I will do this…”?

For me, the time and energy that comes when I’m helping someone else is effortless.

Applied to my house of thirty people — the aspect of this house that I love most is the environment and sense of community that has been created where I no longer have to waste energy.

Living with so many people who are aware of community and other people has allowed me to lessen the thought and care that I need to prioritize for myself.

I still need to think for myself  — for my future, career, and success — but when I wake up in the morning and stumble sleepily in the kitchen, I can slowly take my time to cut my potatoes and brew my tea. I leave the hugging and yelling to my housemates.

My energy — the one that annoyingly says, “Ok Shihan, time to wake up! — is not necessary because I have other friends — coming into the kitchen, yelling and bustling about to make coffee and snag a small bite of the pancakes before they run out the door. Or the ones that sleepwalk (figuratively) into the kitchen and make a beeline to the speakers to play music — and in the next instant, they are dancing, hugging everyone, and ready for the day.

I no longer have to waste energy to motivate myself to wake up or make plans for my day — I have friends who can help me. By the end of my eggs and potatoes, I’m energized to grab my backpack, find the café I will work in for the rest of the day, and complete my goals one after the other.

In return, I am privileged and ecstatic to give my energy to the house in return — to help my friends feel more comfortable in who they are and empowered to do what they believe is right.


Thank you for taking the time to read my emotions and realizations.

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