Day 119: Changing Realities

Day 119: “Changing Realities”

I was told to find my “one true love” in life. What is it that encompasses everything that I want to do and accomplish in this lifetime? What concept — or word, or idea — can I align myself with to set my soul aflame? What is truly the reason I wake up everyday?

I was told to go through a questionnaire that can help me find the answer. By the end of the second question, I’m pretty sure I already had a good grasp on my answer.


The first question on the questionnaire: What do you dream about?

I dream of cities — floating in the sky or sunken under water. I dream of high rises — Jumbotrons with holographic visuals (the kind you see in Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell). Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have evolved and changed the way society lives day by day. Or if my dreams aren’t feeling particularly cyberpunky that day, then it’s most likely Miyazaki-like, with spirits attending a festival in a magic bathhouse or talking wolf gods fighting a war with men to preserve nature.

I dream of different realities — worlds that have evolved into something we can only conjure up in our dreams. Realities that exist because of our creativity.

The second question: What can you do forever?

Remember the times when you are doing things for yourself? These past few months, I have been on the job hunt — everyday thinking about how to best sell my skills and knowledge — to create value for the companies I want to work for. Each day feels like an age when I’m working for myself.

Now remember the times when I am doing things for others. My feet are flying — I am moving from one task to another — I’m focused and I’m motivated. No matter how difficult the task, I know I will ultimately find a way. I can help people forever.

Now how does reality align with my drive to help others?

I want to nurture my creativity and knowledge to help change the reality of others. I want to make possible what others might have believed to be impossible. I want to build worlds and change perspectives.

This is just a rough draft — I’m not super positive if this is really my “one true love,” but it could be. Maybe I still need to refine the idea.

It’s a cool feeling though, to think that each action you take and each lesson you learn is aligned with your love — your fuel to continue moving forward.

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