Day 121: Tasting Time

Day 121: “Tasting Time”

Sometimes we need to really taste a period of time. Sometimes we need to open ourselves up to the whole stampede of emotions that come from time passing by. As a year comes to an end, and a new year starts, it feels like these past couple of days has thrown a year’s worth of emotions right at me.

This is one of those moments when you marvel at how time passes so dang fast. What happened 365 days ago feels like a whole other age. My travels 6 months ago feel like another year just by itself. At the same time, I am quickly coming up on my two year mark since I first chose to leave school.

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Reflecting on this year, I’m not just happy and proud of how much I’ve learned and grown, but there is also gratitude and love for the friends and family who have stayed in my life and supported me.

There have been so many moments of inspiration, hopes, and laughs. But along with the risks that I’ve taken to experience these beautiful moments — those same risks have given me a fair share of sadness, frustration, and loneliness.

My heart has felt squeezed by the hands of anxiety and confusion, but it has also overflowed with love and compassion. There have been so many successes and victories, but just as many failures and disappointments.

It truly is amazing to be able to feel so many emotions — to really taste all the flavors of a period of time.

But despite all this reflection and feeling, enjoying the moment is just as priceless. Sitting on a mattress on the roof of our four-level house, wrapped in blankets, a tangle of arms and legs — 8 of us staying warm when the countdown ends and fireworks light up the San Francisco skyline to mark the rebirth of a year.

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